Soul Fusion Alviss of the Nordic Alfar Clock Wyvern Salamangreat Meer Salamangreat Foxy Salamangreat Falco Salamangreat Jack Jaguar Dinowrestler Capoeiraptor Dinowrestler Capaptera Dinowrestler Systegosaur Dinowrestler Pankratops Galaxy Cleric Galaxy Brave Gravekeeper's Headman Gravekeeper's Spiritualist Orcust Brass Bombard Orcust Cymbal Skeleton Orcust Harp Horror World Legacy - "World Wand" Thunder Dragonmatrix Thunder Dragondark Thunder Dragonhawk Thunder Dragonroar Thunder Dragonduo Impcantation Penciplume Impcantation Bookstone Chaos Dragon Levianeer Mystrick Hulder Diana the Light Spirit Condemned Witch Bearblocker Gokipole Token Collector Two-for-One Team Salamangreat Emerald Eagle Cyberse Clock Dragon Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist Thunder Dragon Titan Thunder Dragon Colossus Diplexer Chimera Clock Spartoi Salamangreat Heatleo Dinowrestler King T Wrextle Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon Galatea, the Orcust Automaton Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator Orcustrion Crusadia Spatha Folgo, Justice Fur Hire Agave Dragon Some Summer Summoner Cynet Fusion Salamangreat Sanctuary Rise of the Salamangreat Will of the Salamangreat World Dino Wrestling Necrovalley Throne Galaxy Trance Orcustrated Babel Orcustrated Return Orcustrated Einsatz Thunder Dragon Fusion Sky Striker Maneuver - Vector Blast! Giant Ballpark Herald of the Abyss Concentrating Current Extra-Foolish Burial Parallel Panzer Salamangreat Gift Necrovalley Temple Eternal Galaxy Orcustrated Attack Orcustrated Core Thunder Dragons' Hundred Thunders Thunder Dragon Discharge Crusadia Krawler Necro Fusion Invincibility Barrier Toll Hike Trap Trick The Revenge of the Normal Subsurface Stage Divers Consolation Prize Danger! Thunderbird! Danger! Dogman! Danger! Mothman! Danger!? Tsuchinoko? Danger! Response Team Second Expedition into Danger! Noble Knight Iyvanne Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon Heritage of the Chalice Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again Fluffal Patchwork Edge Imp Cotton Eater Predaplant Dragostapelia D/D/D Flame High King Genghis D/D/D Super Doom King Purple Armageddon Predaplast Ostinato Frightfur Patchwork