Hidden Arsenal 2 Naturia Beetle Naturia Rock Naturia Guardian Naturia Vein Genex Furnace Genex Gaia Genex Spare Genex Turbine Genex Doctor Genex Solar Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier Medium of the Ice Barrier Mist Valley Baby Roc Mist Valley Executor Flamvell Grunika Flamvell Baby Ally Mind Ally of Justice Nullfier Ally of Justice Searcher Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher Ally of Justice Thunder Armor Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway Worm Linx Worm Millidith Worm Noble Naturia Beast Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Thermal Genex Geo Genex Ally of Justice Field Marshal Fabled Lurrie Fabled Grimro Fabled Gallabas Fabled Kushano Jurrac Protops Jurrac Velo Jurrac Monoloph Jurrac Tyrannus Naturia Antjaw Naturia Spiderfang Naturia Rosewhip Naturia Cosmobeet Genex Blastfan Genex Recycled Genex Army Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier Geomancer of the Ice Barrier Mist Valley Falcon Mist Valley Apex Avian Ally of Justice Reverse Break Ally of Justice Unlimiter Worm Opera Worm Prince Worm Queen Worm Rakuyeh Fabled Valkyrus Jurrac Giganoto Naturia Leodrake Windmill Genex Mist Valley Thunder Lord