Hidden Arsenal Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier Blizzard Warrior Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier Mist Valley Thunderbird Mist Valley Shaman Mist Valley Soldier Flamvell Dragnov Flamvell Magician Flamvell Guard X-Saber Axel X-Saber Airbellum X-Saber Uruz Commander Gottoms, Swordmaster Ally of Justice Clausolas Ally of Justice Garadholg Ally of Justice Rudra Worm Apocalypse Worm Barses Worm Cartaros Worm Dimikles Worm Erokin Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Mist Wurm Flamvell Uruquizas X-Saber Urbellum Ally of Justice Catastor Wrath of Neos Detonate Berserker Crush Evolution Burst