Photon Shockwave Alexandrite Dragon Bunilla Rabidragon Rai Rider Stinging Swordsman Kagetokage Acorno Pinecono Friller Rabca Shark Stickers Needle Sunfish Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon Daybreaker Lightserpent Plasma Ball Photon Cerberus Evoltile Gephyro Evoltile Westlo Evoltile Odonto Evolsaur Vulcano Evolsaur Cerato Evolsaur Diplo Wind-Up Warrior Wind-Up Knight Wind-Up Hunter Wind-Up Bat Wind-Up Kitten D.D. Telepon Wattcobra Naturia Marron Prior of the Ice Barrier Senior Silver Ninja Rodenut Fenghuang Tribe-Shocking Virus Goblin Pothole Squad Creepy Coney Rescue Rabbit Baby Tiragon Number 83: Galaxy Queen Black Ray Lancer Number 10: Illumiknight Number 20: Giga-Brilliant Evolzar Laggia Thunder End Dragon Attraffic Control Ego Boost Monster Slots Cross Attack Xyz Gift Photon Veil Photon Lead Photon Booster Evo-Karma Evo-Miracle Zenmailfunction Extra Gate Shard of Greed Murmur of the Forest Tri-Wight One Day of Peace Space Cyclone Poisonous Winds Heartfelt Appeal Fiery Fervor Damage Diet Copy Knight Mirror Mail Fish Rain Icy Crevasse Lumenize Evolutionary Bridge Zenmairch Wattcancel Champion's Vigilance Darklight Tyrant's Throes Sound the Retreat! Deep Dark Trap Hole Eisbahn Sealing Ceremony of Suiton Photon Sabre Tiger Evolsaur Pelta Wind-Up Rabbit D-Boyz Latinum, Exarch of Dark World Evolzar Dolkka Wind-Up Zenmaines Xyz Territory Dark Smog Sergeant Electro Vylon Ohm Laval Dual Slasher Gem-Turtle Laval Lancelord Gishki Beast Gem-Knight Emerald Junk Defender Metaion, the Timelord Infernity Knight